SYNTH Part 5

The free air flies past. A distant howl from the air flying past us. The glass floats weightless all around as we fall. A great and infinite-feeling drop back down to the earth….


If we hit the ground like this… We will die. I can feel the girls arms grasp onto me tighter as I can see but not hear Fuyu in my helmet. It’s as if I have gone deaf momentarily and nothing else matters. Then it’s like all the sound comes rushing back into my ears like a waterfall.

WAKE UP BITCH!”, Fuyu yells to try to get me to grasp reality.

The Young girls’ screams echo through the night. I grab my ax at the side of the motorcycle and fling it open and then grab the building with it to slow us down. We’re still not slow enough. I flip my motorcycle in a barrel roll and catch the tires onto the side of the building so that I am racing down the side of it.

The windows crush but don’t give way beneath my gargantuan tires. In quick thinking frustration I say,”Shit!.”

“Hold on Girlie!”

I slant my whole body suddenly to the side and pull the handle bars along with my body so that my motorcycle starts driving down the building backwards. My speed goes down drastically and I grasp onto my bike as hard as I can.

SHING! I pull out my ax.


My ax drags the window and finally catches on one of them, pulling us inside at a blurring speed.


The window breaks as we fly in and when we hit the floor inside it breaks the floor boards down to the next floor.

Worried I say,” Is she okay, Fuyu?”

“She probably pissed a little bit but there isn’t any damage on her,” She calmly replies.

Let’s go. The quicker we hit the ground the quicker we can figure out what the fuck is going on. And I can kill that fuck-pig that shot at me.


In the basement I sit against the wall on the floor. All is quiet once again and the lamp that is directly in the middle of the cold concrete floor shines a shadow on everything. She’s too nervous… Fuyu continues her calculations and reviews as the rest of us take one last human moment…

“Tell me whatever it is that you’re scared to say that I need to know”, I say to her.

She says,” My name is Ariel and there is something you need to know.” A slight tremble is in her voice and she cannot bear to look me in the eye. Come on. Say it.

Fuyu jumps into the conversation and says,” What are they planning? Come on. Spit it out woman!”

Ariel just looks down at the floor, biding her time to say what she really means to say.

A long pause ensues…


The lantern in the middle of the floor gives a light like a campfire in this crumbling neo-apocalypse.

Ariel slowly and hesitantly opens her mouth and softly says,” The Silos are 39 degrees and 5 minutes south. 23 Degrees underground.”


At the top of a concrete peak, I sit on my motorcycle overlooking the peak of a bunker. This is bad…

I hold my gun up and open the magazine to double check if it’s loaded.


I have about five clips held on the front of my protective vest. I put the clip I just pulled out into a sling on my vest and reach to the back of my belt. I pull out and load a 100 round GBE gun clip.

A GBE gun ( Gravitational Beam Emitter) Is a gun that shoots a ball or straight line of highly compressed energy. Believe me when I tell you it can go through anything.

I flip open my Ax and ready myself… A field of wraiths…

I’m going to kill ALL OF YOU!!!

6% HEL! (The Dead Speech) PART ONE

SCREAMING… It doesn’t stop… The women cry and scream helplessly. The men yell and those who are brave enough yell and try to fight back. I can hear them… It sounds so overwhelming, their cries. So many that I cannot distinguish one voice for very long.

I can hear the running and the patter of feet against rock. Grimly lit by lanterns and lamps, fire is the only thing illuminating this new level of shadows.


I stand on rock… The bare soles of my feet feel sizzling against the stone. Behind me there is nothing but a cave wall… Almost as if I entered a cave and then it sealed me in. I don’t know how I got there… Remembering anything feels like a trace of a half forgotten dream.

Dimitri Seth Bloodwyn. That’s my name… Dimitri Seth Bloodwyn… It feels like I could’ve forgotten my name if I hadn’t given effort to the contrary.  I can’t remember anything other than the most basic of things… I don’t know my parents names, where I’m from, or what I look like…. No! It can’t be over! I’m not real! I’m not real!

It’s so loud. The screaming… I almost wonder if I’m at a Stadium or Concert but I can’t hear anything that would say so…  I cover my ears… The sound feels like it’s splitting my head!

I walk back towards the wall that must’ve obviously been the entrance. Maybe it was some sort of cave in or something… The wall is smooth and covered in a layer of patina which proves it has been like that for centuries.

Now I really am SCARED…

Oddly enough, a piece of Ice hangs on the very same wall… What the fuck? The wall is so hot I can’t touch it… Why in the fuck is there ice? I look into it and see myself… I’m about 5’9” and somewhat muscular. I am black and white so I am quite a bit tan and my eyes are solid black. Black hair, about down to my chin, swayed to the side slightly and black fingernails. My clothes are not natural… Nothing but a pair of shorts. They look like something worn centuries ago. Tattered. Worn. Oh no… I think I know where I am… The screaming…

Chills shake my body. I feel stale and dead inside. What a sinking feeling drops through my very core.

I turn and start to walk… A corner lies in front of me and I can see unrecognizable shadows morph and shapeshift in frost of me…  I hold my breath… I think I know where I am… But I really don’t want to believe it… Denial is my only option.

I Round The Corner…



Bodies… Squirming. The Screaming is deafening… I see people struggle. Some just give in and accept the pain. People with heart try to fight back but to no avail. Running. The Body heat makes the vast chasm of a cave into a inferno.

Oh my God… I’m… I’m in Hell!!!

Everyone is naked and most are prostrate and helpless. Succumbing to the torment and gruesome torture. Torture from what exactly? Inbred looking things… Humanoid but disfigured and deformed. I cannot begin to describe them. Some are just shadows. Taking Giant bites from people lying on the ground getting trampled without mercy.

Bodies sway and I can distinctly hear a woman screaming,”NO! MY BABY!!! GOD PLEASE JUST LET ME DIE AND KILL ME NOW!” Full grown men run naked, screaming in horror at the animated shadows following them, striking them with lightning.

Crying. That’s the only thing audible… But soon as my eyes adjust I can see that this goes on like an endless field full of millions if not billions of people doing the exact same as the people I just saw. I can hear some try to pray but nothing happens. We are the abandoned ones… There is no more hope. God has left us here because he has refused to redeem us.

Suddenly, a woman appears, naked standing in front of me. Her hair is wet with sweat, makeup smeared, and her teeth similiar to a sharks. She is tall and blond with a skinny build. Her body is completely naked, dripping with sweat. It’s easy to tell that she’s a demon.

She grins and just locks eyes with me. All her attention seems to be on me. In a deep demonic voice she says,”What’s the matter baby? You don’t want me to fuck you like my bitch now? Now you belong to me and we have an eternity to have fun.” She gives a giggle that makes my heart actually hurt.

My eyes widen.

I’m damned… God save me… Because I think he’s forgotten about me…

Innocent Souls (By Staci Fauke)

By: Staci.

When the world is full of victims.

Dims a fading light in our being.

Leave the peace alone, for we are all slowly changing.

In an opinion like mine, seeing is to know.

For the things we hold are always the first to go,

Some end up eternally happy, but whos to say we don’t

end up alone for eternity ?

On broken wings we are falling, and it won’t be long

The skin on me is burning by the fire of the sun.

Crying ourselves to sleep, is how some of us end up,

than eventually we find peace.

Will you lay me down, and mend these broken homes forever i will be alone.

Ive given up but please mend those innocent souls, save the fading light.

What you give will always carry you further than ever imagined.

It won’t be long. We are all on skinned knees in the burning light. Soon this so called forever

will end, Just promise me as i lay on this slab of concrete that you’ll save the innocent. For they never did

a thing to this world. Im bleeding on the inside but thats okay, it won’t be long. I’ve found my meaning and i’ve figured yours out as well Save thoes innocent souls. For eternity you will end up happier than ever imagined.

For pain will make you who you are, hell its made me what i’ve become. truth is after this is all over and done with just remember your the one that saved the innocent people from their so called hell.

‘Till The End of Time

This is something by Staci Fauke. One of my favorites by her that were written for me. I hope you appreciate it as much as I do.

By staci:

Dreaming. The kind of thing that can only happens falling asleep.

But dreaming of you is the only dreams i wanna have.

As i lay my head down Tonight i remember all the thoughts of me and you and as i close my eyes, what an amazing sight.

Sleeping, and dreaming of you. Is all i wanna do, but sick and tired of living this world day and night not being right next to you. Wasn’t it you who always said best things in life come naturally.

You know something like we have was surly meant to be, the kind of thing that last for eternity, And i want you just to be here with me it brings tears to my eyes, knowing we are so far away. But i know one day all this pain will go away and be replaced with joy, from tonight, till the end of time.

You may think you don’t mean a thing but from tonight just know your everything. From happyness and joy to inspiration. You bring feeling into my life. Thats how it’ll always be until the end of time.

Its plain to see all you are, and what you mean to me, Shining light, never dim. You show me the light in the darkness. Its some feeling words can’t explain, just know i’ll be here forever. This may sound corny but its true. Without you. things would be so different in a way you changed me yes, i believe its true. because no matter what through rain or snow just always remember you’ll always be deep down inside my soul. 🙂

I love you.

SYNTH Part 4

The dark is enclosed in this giant space. Ever since the door shut behind me it’s like I’m just waiting for the onslaught. The synthesized moans of the night are at a fever pitch. It’s all gone way to silent again…

Sparks flutter from a flare in my hands. Green specks fly brilliantly in all directions. Like a rainbow haze in the darkness of purgatory.

It’s about to begin…


The room is illuminated in a haze of green flame. Wraiths. Oh no. Wraiths fill the entire first floor with their decrepit presence. Here we go. CLEAR A PATH!


Blood dripping is the only sound left from the fever pitch moments ago… Drip. Drop. Drip. I hold my axe in my right hand and my gun in the left. I look like I have been dunked in a bath of blood and flesh. It is simply oozing off of my ax. Inside of my helmet, a notification says that I need to reload my GBE gun (Gravitational Beam Emitter). Fuyu simply scans through my helmet to try to find any Wraiths that are still alive. My breathing starts to calm back down and I take a moment to relish what has just happened. It is amazing to stand in awe while several hundred souls leave their bodies.  The aura of a massacre. Unmistakable.

“Zero, it’s all clear. Looks like you got them all or at least for the next twenty floors”, Fuyu says happily through my helmet. “Okay”, I briefly reply. I walk… Calm and confident. I really don’t care about quality of accomplishment anymore. And I’m not indifferent. I’m pissed off!


The elevator inside the building rings with every floor I go up. Lights flashing as if an examination of my body. Normally, I would really appreciate the calm before the storm. But this time I’m anxious… And that scares me…


The top floor… Fucking finally. “All systems and scanners on highest alert capability, Fuyu.” Fuyu replied diligently,”Roger.” The Gates open and slam against the walls.

The archaic tower seems to be a tattered and torn remnant to the power of the devil himself. I start to walk out. But I stop after taking my first two steps out of the elevator. Shit!

“Fuyu!” “Yeah?”, she diligently replies. “Start her up and get her up here.”

Fuyu tries to hold back her unwillingness and says,”Fuck! Oh, alright.”

I try to scan the room with my helmet still on. I yank my head back towards the open up window. Gotcha!

The girl is standing in the open window. I start to strongly move towards her calmly.


My head jerks to the side… I’M HIT!!! I think one other bullet hit me in the shoulder… WHAT THE FUCK?! HE SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO EVEN HURT ME!!! What the fuck is he shooting?!!!

The shot to my head bounced off of my helmet. If only I could describe the relief. This modern day is like a current wild wild west with even more dangerous and crazy fucking people. Now I’m fucking pissed!!!

Suddenly, my motorcycle shatters up through the elevator doors. Driving itself. I yelled,”FUYU! DRIVE IT OVER AND PICK ME UP!!”

“Okay! HOLD ON!!!”

As it flies towards me and I try to duck the unknown assailants bullets I jump onto the motorcycle from the side while trying to drive towards the window….

GET ON BITCH!”, Fuyu yells in excitement as we swoop past, throwing her onto the back of the monstrous bike.

CRASH! We bust through the glass of the window…

On the backseat the girl begins to yell,”OOOOHHH SHIIIIT!!!”

Without a moments notice we are flying thirty plus stories in the air…Even the broken glass we hit can’t keep up with our fall…

30 stories to the ground…


SYNTH Part 3

Death… So serene… Sweet. But numbing. For that split second that I lye there I could feel it coming upon me just as the cold creeping up the back of my neck. Always waiting for my next slip, I thought to myself. The girl was gone. Almost as if she had never even existed.

“I guess this means we’re left with nothing again”, Fuyu grumbles.

The Curtain goes down… On Him again… How very true…

“We’ll check the tower. Chances are; We’ll find something there eventually”, I say in attempt of justification.

The motorcycle starts to jut forward again as the hunt remains. The road is slippery to ride from the dew and blood of this final morning of man. 3 hours until the last sunrise. I was bittered by this very thought.  After all. Toha Heavy Industries has to be smart enough to know they won’t save anything no matter what the world does. But I suppose I understand the logic.  If you’re going to go down, go down swinging.



“Stop right now Motherfucker unless you really want to get shot!”  What the hell?

At the very entrance to the Tower stands 7 armed men. They have phony pinned on faces for the expensive creations they are. ‘Synthetic Armed Guard’ is what I think they are being called now. They look like a serial killers nightmare with their full armor combined with the latest fully automatic rifles and swords on their backs. Fake flash faces pinned up to the corners of their heads. Abominations.

“I’m a THI SYNTH here on orders”, I say blankly. I should never have to answer to these bottom feeders.

My I.D. hologram forms as he checks it out and the others guard me. The main guard says,” Hold on. I gotta check with Command. Command can you confirm?”

Fuyu appears in my helmet and says,”All ingoing and outgoing transmissions monitored. Nothing. He’s lying.”


“Step off the vehicle slowly”, one of the other guards says as he pokes the tip of his bayonet against the visor of my helmet. Fucking Idiot. And to think I wasn’t going to make you suffer when I kill you.


After seven clicks of the trigger its’ almost all over… Except for one. There lyes the guard that had scratched my helmet. Gargling and choking on his own bodily fluids. “You Idiot”, I say in disgust. ” Look around. Everyone’s dead. This world is OVER. And now your last few moments will be spent suffering. You will remember what I look like now for the rest of your life. Which by my time, is about another twenty seconds.” And with those last few coughs and an attempt at a laugh, I give him a hole in his head like the rest of his friends.


On the entrance of the tower I prop up my motorcycle. I will leave my helmet on. While reaching down for things on the motorcycle I grab something that just looks like a big folded up rectangle. SHING! It opens up into a fierce black one-handed axe. The small light on the front door almost seems to defy the point considering the building is basically a skyscraper. But something isn’t right in the coldness of the air. The synthesized moaning of the night is almost to the point of causing my ears to ache.

In a long and drawn out voice Fuyu says,”Zero!… Just get in and get her so that we can get out fast because I have a feeling that leaving is going to be a problem.”

I look back but don’t see anything. But something still seems wrong so I reach down and grab a big rectangular looking gun that’s big enough for me to sling across my back.

“Be ready. I’m gonna be coming out really hot.”

“Roger that, Zero.”